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…on being strong.

They say: “Nikki, I really admire the strong woman that you are.”

I say…

If only more people realized the hardships one must endure to be developed in strength! Strength is not automatically imparted, it’s not handed down generationally like some family keepsake, you don’t put it on as needed and take it off when you don’t.

Instead, strength is formed by resistance...yes, through resistance training. Adversities, denials, afflictions, betrayal, hardships, delays, conflict, suffering…the makings of strength the God way.

To the ones who desire to be strong, I encourage you to ponder the following questions to examine if strength is an attribute you really want to pray for the Lord to develop in you. 1) How many tears are you willing to cry?

2) How many “no’s” are you willing to endure before your “yes” finally comes?

3) How far are you willing to go on your own for a vision no one else sees?

4) How much prayer are you willing to sow into nothingness to turn it into what God said is yours?

5) How long will you fight for what you know God promised you?

6) Will you still push for greater after you’ve attained what you thought was the best for you?

If you sense any hesitation as you answer, you may want start by asking Him to prepare your heart and mind for the work of strength training that is inevitable as you grow spiritually. With long life He satisfies us (Psalm 91:16), but long life is attained through strength training and learning to endure in God.


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