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No worries, He’s a “follow through and finish up” kind of God…

The past few months have been very trying for me spiritually. Some kinda how, I’ve found myself back at square one, a wilderness place, in the position of learning how to trust the Lord at a whole new level. Of course, there’ll be someone who’s super spiritual to say something along the lines of, “…but you’re right where God wants you to be, Nikki!” To that person, I’d respond, “Duh, I know!!! I’m not dumb by far.” And I’m not.

For those of us who know the Lord in a very real way because we have an earnest relationship with Him, we know that wilderness experiences tend to reveal just how much we don’t really trust God at times. Valley and wilderness terrains have a way of unearthing the truths we ignore and the truths that are covered up by seasons of winning, victories, and mountain tops.

This past Sunday after the woman of God closed her message, my pastor was led to pray for our hearts not to grow weary in the wait (thank God for shepherds who hear His voice and minister from His heart on demand, huh?). I found myself crying out to God because weariness has been chasing me for a while now as I believe for and await God’s promises. Weariness doesn’t attack by itself though. Weariness brings about the spirit of doubt, a spirit that cunningly encourages you to gradually give up and relinquish the promises of God over your life. SN: The enemy of your soul is a deceitful one…he orchestrates and arranges opportunities for your faith to miserably fail you if you allow him to. Be careful. <end: SN>

As my pastor spoke, the Holy Spirit reminded me of and ministered this particular verse that I have been rehearsing to myself throughout the week. “Shall I bring to the point of birth and not cause to bring forth?” says the Lord; “shall I, who cause to bring forth, shut the womb?” says your God.” Then He expounded on it like this…

Do you really think that I would bring you all the way to the point of birthing out a promise that you have actively labored for, you have allowed Me to prepare you for, and you have held on to when you very well could have aborted it only to NOT make it come forth? I am NOT that kind of God. I make good on all of My promises. I bring visions to full term and then I bring them forth…9 months and healthy. Remember ‘Alpha and Omega’? Yeah, that’s Me. Your promises will not simply be words suspended in the spirit realm…just as Jesus became the living Word in the earth, those promises will take form and manifest in the earth for all to see Me through. Your faith now is working a glorious revelation for those who don’t know Me, don’t want to know Me, and don’t know they need to know Me. Trust Me, baby. I promise I can do more with your faith than I can with your unbelief.

To you (and to me again because I need yet ANOTHER reminder), the God that fathers us, chose us, and loves us is a “follow through and finish it up” kind of God. He who has begun a good work is ever faithful to complete it. By His very nature, He’s unable to not finish what He’s started. Trust Him, baby. And watch what happens.

I’m routing for you and every promise God has made you according to His perfect will. If He’s brought you to birth, He’s also bringing you into manifestation.



Nikki Anthony
Nikki Anthony
Oct 03, 2021

Amen! 💜


Amelia Raquel
Amelia Raquel
Oct 03, 2021

I really needed to read this. I really needed this.

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