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Growth & Process


Being a Special Education teacher taught me to look for and honor growth, especially the seemingly insignificant progress that gets overlooked if you’re not careful. This morning, the Holy Spirit reminded me of this as I thought of someone I was instructed to pray for a while ago. Admittedly, there were times I stopped praying because I was tired of not seeing the finished version of them I was told to pray for (if you reread that sentence, count how many times the word “I” was used…selfish, ain’t it?!?!). This is what He put on my heart to consider and to help others consider as we walk out life and relationship (of any type) with people.

How many of us tell God thanks for the work He’s DOING in the life of someone we love? We go to Him when they’re “not” but we have to also go to Him when they’re “almost” or “en route to” as well. Most often, we wait to see the fullness of what we think they should be before acknowledging the work the Lord has ALREADY done or is actively doing on/in their heart. If today, they are a little less broken or bruised or damaged than they were yesterday, that’s proof-positive that God is working and they’re transitioning. It’s very selfish to expect an immediate finished product of others while simultaneously expecting grace and mercy to follow you all the days because you know you’ll need them as you journey towards becoming your best self.

Let’s learn to love people graciously by honoring God’s process in their life because process is VERY difficult, especially when you have a desire to be better. If God privies you to see their end from the beginning of their process, know that the process for them to become that person is extensive and requires that your love is patient towards them just like God’s love is patient towards you. Prayer 👉🏽: “God, thank You for ____ becoming everything You said they will be. Please help me to love them well along their journey.” Love covers…every step of the way. 🛤️


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